Hello!! Welcome to my other webpage!
This is the second one I have ever made! This is a webpage dedicated to celebrities and models. I will try to change the person this webpage is focused on every month. My site is pretty simple...and I will try to improve as I get better.
I hope you like it. Please give me any suggestions if you like!!
NOTE: If any of these images are copyrighted please tell me and I will immediately take them off my page!! Thanks
MY INFO: Hi! I'm Kevin!! I am a 18 year old male( Means that this page will be mostly of women with exceptions though) from Ontario Canada. I am in my last year of high school. I like to draw and do other stuff that all teens like to do. I guess I'll end it there!
This Month's Celebrity/Model is:
Next Month's Feature:
Please write me and tell me anything you would like. Such as if you liked my site, hated it, improvements,etc.
Also send me more pics of the stars that are pictured. It would be much appreciated!!!! And tell me who you want up next!!! Thanks!!
E-mail Me at: